This is interesting. The Massachusetts Office of the Attorney General’s Opposition to Government Accountability & Oversight’s Discovery motion in an open records lawsuit is (belatedly, but that’s another story) due today. For its own reasons—it seems reasonable to conclude these reasons pertain to some discovery the AGO wanted to avoid about this document, and/or concluded it might not be able to—the Office just produced one of the docs at issue.
This Confidentiality Agreement with Sher Edling, LLP, does not seem on its face to be anything the Office could have reasonably withheld. So, that’s also an explanation.
GAO is still pursuing an unredacted version of the Office’s policies regarding “special assistant attorneys general,” which is how it has classified not only the activists supplied by Michael Bloomberg’s operation to pursue the Office’s “climate” cases, but also Sher Edling’s lawyers it brought on for the same purpose.