New Governors’ Pass-Through Memo Revealed: “USCA Engagement at the [Secretary General’s] Climate Summit and Climate Week” - Climate Litigation Watch

New Governors’ Pass-Through Memo Revealed: “USCA Engagement at the [Secretary General’s] Climate Summit and Climate Week”

CLW has recently posted background and records relating to the ethereal yet lavishly funded “United States Climate Alliance”, a donor project to underwrite activist governors’ climate advocacy with an army of off-books ‘staff’ and consultants.

This was followed earlier this week by a memo obtained via a public record request.

CLW now posts another memo laying the activist governors’/USCA’s hopes and dreams of the magical spectacle that is Climate Week. This extensive public record obtained by the transparency group Energy Policy Advocates (EPA) lays out “Options for Messaging”, more worrying about “Stage Time”, possible events and upcoming milestones on the governors’/activists’ calendars, “Summit Key Messages” and what announcements to make/how.

Reference: USCA at Summit & Climate Week_190603