Today’s Washington Times reports on a scheme outed by Energy Policy Advocates, and first revealed by CLW, by which activist governors bring in privately hired “staff” to, as New Mexico put it, “to implement the Governor’s Executive Order on Climate Change”. USCA’s Julie Cerqueira is quoted disputing that any such program exists (actually…the UN Foundation’s […]
CCCClimate Meeting at the BRRRRRockefellers’
It seems that when the Rockefellers get public employees together to discuss the energy rationing agenda, one had better not wear short sleeves even in July. They keep the A/C wicked cold. As usual with the climate warriors, Other people need to go without, For me and not for thee, and all that. h/t Energy […]
Energy State Governors Canoodling to Kill their Golden Geese
As CLW posted recently, Governors [are] Quietly Using Bloomberg/AG-Style Donor-Hired Climate “Staff”. Today, the Washington Times covers these revelations, made thanks to the transparency group Energy Policy Advocates’ diligent work ferreting out private funding of activist government.