Courtesy of Energy Policy Advocates, Maplewood, NJ provides a record production (highlights found here), also linking to a posted if “unlisted” YouTube video of an organizational meeting, all of which further helps the public see how their institutions are being used, with whom. In the video of the meeting, CLW readers will spot the effort […]
More Insights Into the Climate Litigation Industry
Energy Policy Advocates has provided more public records to illuminate public understanding of how public offices and institutions are being used, which whom, and how. This representative sample of records from Maplewood, NJ, includes the Messaging Guide recently posted on CLW, Talking Points, one–pagers, presentations, and an interesting roster of allies.
More Sausage-making, Jersey Style
Courtesy of Energy Policy Advocates, CLW readers can find a representative selection of services provided to elected officials who join in to push the “Center for Climate Integrity’s” agenda — which agenda includes, most notoriously, politicians filing privately-financed “climate” lawsuits against political opponents — here. Interesting exemplars include those addressing how the advocacy group prefers […]