Show Trial increasingly looks to be move to pave the way for Biden climate promises at weekend G20 Summit + Glasgow “COP” beginning Monday There are more and more indications that Thursday’s House Oversight hearing, initially scheduled as an opportunity to berate the defendants in the floundering climate litigation industry, is not only intended to assist the plaintiffs […]
Prepare to Be Judged
CLW readers may recall the effort by the plaintiffs’ climate tort movement, unearthed by Government Accountability & Oversight (GAO) and Energy Policy Advocates (EPA), to brief federal judges on the plaintiffs’ case. New public records from the Department of Energy in FOIA litigation brought by EPA shed further light on this. Here is a summary opening a window into […]
Enron Knew II: Climate Agenda Threatened Systemic Energy Crises
Previously, CLW noted some filings in California Public Records Act litigation in Los Angeles opening the can of worms that is the “Enron Knew” story. It turns out, Granddaddy to the Global Warming industry Enron knew a lot. In another footnote, early in the attached Horner Declaration, you’ll find timely reference to a 1999 email warning of the […]