Readers familiar with PJ O’Rourke’s classic travelogue “Ship of Fools” will find this offering from that redoubt of objective journalism, The Guardian, familiar, as it rushes to the defense of the Climate Judiciary Project campaign first exposed and explained at CLW (see summary post here).
Specifically, the publication offers its own “what leftists?” gem in the form of (pace Wall Street Journal columnist James Taranto) today’s nominee for the Worst Appeals to Authority:
But Kert Davies, the director of special investigations at the non-profit Center for Climate Integrity, who shared the report and PowerPoint with the Guardian, said ELI is “far from leftwing”.
Oh, Grauniad, don’t ever change.

Yep, Guardian’s journalists somehow decided here’s an expert voice on the matter but there’s no need to note that it was the very same Davies who was in the room to close the sale when the Rockefeller Family Foundation enlisted the Office of the Attorney General for the State of New York to launch, why, this very same climate litigation enterprise.