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Climate Litigation Watch
Government Accountability & Oversight
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Governors Paper
Attorney General Paper
Public Records Requests
University of Arizona ClimateGate Records in full
Player Cards
Attorney General Paper
Appendix to Attorney General Paper
State Impact Center “Law Enfo...
ISO A Sympathetic AG cover
FN 126 OR DoJ agrees to AG demand t...
FN 92 NYU approval exemplar OR OAG
FN 91 first tranche denials exempla...
FN 117 VA OAG NYU SAAG application
FN 125 OR DoJ informs AG SAAG will ...
FN 157 Gignac IL OAG tells office r...
FN 63 AGs attending HLA AGs briefin...
FN 8 AGs recruitng ltr ‘infor...
FN 118 PA OAG NYU SAAG application
March 29 2016 AGs Gore presser tran...
FN 79 NYU email to meet w AG Herrin...
FN 84 NYU serves as PR firm to prom...
FN 51 Frumhoff coordinated with AGs...
FN 93 NYU meeting request exemplars...
FN 94 exemplar fellowship program f...
FN 3 NYU Hayes email to OAGs
IL OAG scheduling emails
FN 144 Abrams called to schedule w ...
FN 54 Kline says NY CIA signals aff...
FN 71 Frumhoff to Mote for AGs brie...
FN 42 UCS says working the state AG...
FN 131 NYU eager for OR DoJ to take...
FN 159 MD OAG atty calls AGs briefi...
FN 95 exemplar first round decline ...
Notes of Pawa presentation
FN 139 CT AG calendar Pawa presenta...
FN 28 DE OAG out of the scheme afte...
FN 61 Belensz helped w Harvard brie...
FN 143 CA OAG Pls resend Pawa prese...
FN 64 Reference to municipalities a...
FN 136 VT OAG agrees to have Sharon...
FN 133 Abrams wants to meet with IL...
FN 62 Goho to James NYOAG Myers sug...
IL OAG scheduling emails II
FN 12 Abrams OAG and Harvard fundra...
FN 153 Pace Law School Memo RFK Jr ...
FN 124 NYOAG _hiring_ SAAGs
FN 77 Improper no records responses
FN 129 OR DoJ separate draft agreem...
Harvard mentions municipalities att...
ISO A Single Sympathetic AG
FN 61 Belensz helped w Harvard brie...
FN 130 JUSTICE-#9011048-v1-NYU_Fell...
FN 162 OR joins other OAGs
FN 140 Pawa sends two part slide sh...
FN 9 Oleske on pursuing fossil fuel...
FN 142 CA OAG notes on Pawa present...
FN 15 NYU IL AG secondment agreemen...
FN 108 exemplar NYU working on othe...
FN 156 re UCS paying OAG travel to ...
FN 1 Dan Carol UCS
FN 82 NYU on Multistate AG coordina...
NYOAG Privilege Log suggests Srolov...
FN 105 NY OAG application for Bloom...
FN 119 NM OAG NYU SAAG application
FN 55 Harvard AGs briefing-UCS fund...
FN 127 OR OAG NYU SAAG application
FN 72 Bios will eschew citing event...
FN 113 NYU IL OAG discussions to fa...
FN 89 NYU contract provided to OAGs
AGs ‘informal coalition’...
FN 141 CA OAG Pawa on Exxon Prelimi...
FN 145 Abrams wants to see if IL AG...
FN 147 Abrams says Pawa may have br...
FN 128 Hewlett may fund still more ...
FN 57 Goho to Levine & Gignac ...
Harvard asks CT OAG if UCS picking ...
FN 35 AGs answers to questionnaire
Attorneys General Correspondence About Bloomberg/ State Impact Center
VT OAG claimed privilege
Pawa sends two part video presentation w PWP Dropbox link
Pawa email to AGs on peer-reviewed studies
Pawa CA briefing on ‘Exxon Preliminary investigation’
NY Meeting Coalition on Exxon Climate Change Preliminary Investigation
NRDC Presentation _ Exxon’s Disclosure to Shareholders on the Costs of Low-Carbon Energy Transition
Exxon Complaint USVI
Exxon Complaint CA DOJ and NYC Trip
Email about Exxon challenging USVI subpoena
Email asking for docs from Pawa presentation
CA DOJ Investigation and Shareholder Resolution Exxon
Mention of CA DOJ climate file
Bios for Harvard OAG briefing UCS fundraiser
Advisers apparently for Harvard OAG briefing UCS fundraiser
District of Columbia
DC OAG Marus request
DC AG NYU request III
DC AG NYU request II
DC AG NYU etc request
Status Update on Stevenson FOIA Request 03 20 18
Responsive Docs re Stevenson FOIA Request 05 18 18
Provided Responsive Docs – Stevenson FINAL
DE AG NYU request
Documents: Illinois AG brings on Bloomberg-financed Special Prosecutor for Climate Change
Hide the Opine — Something Rotten in the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office?
New Mexico
New Mexico AG brings on Bloomberg-financed Special Prosecutor for Climate Change
New York
After the Fact, After Getting Caught: Oregon AG Office Issues first determination claiming legality of Bloomberg-financed Special Climate Prosecutors, contrary to public and private assessments to the contrary
Oregon Legislative Counsel: Bloomberg-financed Special Prosecutors for Donor Pet Issues Violates State Law
PA AG Shapiro Application for Bloomberg-provided Climate Prosecutors
VA OAG FOIA Litigation re Bloomberg Scheme Heads to Discovery
Horner v. GMU
Maibach RICO docs II finally produc...
GMU ‘Puerto Rico’ docs
Horner v GMU hearing transcript
Horner et al v GMU
GMU Bates Stamps 103 – 133
GMU Bates Stamps 134 – 178
GMU Bates Stamps 60 – 102
GMU Bates Stamps 1 – 59
Oregon State University Correspondence About Harvard University / Union of Concerned Scientist Fundraiser
Mote re Harvard ‘secret meeti...
Oregon State Mote CIEL on Philippin...
Oregon State Response to CEI 1.9.18...
Public Records response from OSU
Estimate CEI
FN Bios will eschew citing event sp...
CEI Oregon State Note Harvard Meeti...
FN Frumhoff has made this argument ...
45 to 60 min prep call
Harvard agenda RICO etc scheme play...
Governors Paper
Attorney General Paper
Public Records Requests
University of Arizona ClimateGate Records in full
Player Cards