b5 discussing Jennifer Morgan on China
b5 discussing Jennifer Morgan on China II
b5 discussing Jennifer Morgan on China III
b5 draft quotes from Rolling Stone writer were flagged for Podesta too
b5 draft quotes from Rolling Stone writer!
b5 draft quotes from Rolling Stone writer! II
b5 re QFRs cleared w outside lobbyist!
b5 re QFRs cleared w outside lobbyist! II
b5 re QFRs w outside lobbyist!
Jennifer Morgan and group of int’l greens circulating legal ext for Paris NOT ATTACHED copy
Jennifer Morgan approached by China to coordinate post-Obama climate
Jennifer Morgan WRI to Stern on collaboration on climate agenda w China
Jennifer Morgan WRI to Stern on collaboration on climate agenda w China II notice Bodnar WRI address 4.15.15
Jennifer Morgan WRI to Stern on collaboration on climate agenda w China III
Jennifer Morgan WRI to Stern on collaboration on climate agenda w China IV
Jennifer Morgan WRI to Stern on collaboration on climate agenda w China V
Jennifer Morgan WRI to Stern on collaboration on climate agenda w China
WRI Jennifer Morgan tells Stern China looking to leverage green groups once Obama gone