You searched for Edling - Climate Litigation Watch

Energy Policy Advocates v. Regents (UCLA Law School)

CLW has been informed that the court in Energy Policy Advocates v. Regents—a California Public Records Act lawsuit seeking the UCLA Law School, Wells Environmental Law Clinic contract for providing clinical instruction with the “climate” plaintiffs’ tort from Sher Edling—has ruled, denying EPA’s request. CLW has not yet seen the opinion, but is informed that […]

Climate Plaintiffs’ Own-goal: It Really is About a “Sustainable Funding Stream”

Video of litigation pitch adds to evidence that lawsuits seek dough to pay for pols’ pet projects CLW readers will remember the admission — reflected in two independent sets of notes taken at a meeting at the Rockefeller family mansion at Pocantico — that governmental “climate” litigation is not actually about “combatting climate change” but is […]