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Amicus Brief Details Climate Litigation Campaign’s Political Origins

Newly obtained records withheld for seven years reveal NYAG attorneys abandoned misgivings about pre-packaged “subpoena suggestion” after months of activists’ climate-lawsuit lobbying “[M]aybe he can come to see that he’s wrong” met “Please do know that I want to find a way on this as much as you do”, and politics carried the day This week, […]

RIP the Curious “Missing Link” Claim

New Emails confirm MN AG Ellison lawsuit was Rockefeller Family Fund, green group’s “joint project” CLW readers may recall U.S. District Court Judge for the Southern District of New York Valerie Caproni’s dismissal three years ago of ExxonMobil’s suit against the NY and MA attorneys general for unconstitutionally pursuing them to silence speech they don’t like. Judge […]

New Text Messages Confirm Outsourcing of Law Enforcement, Academia to Activist Donors

Now that the United States Supreme Court has ruled on the Mayor and City of Baltimore “climate nuisance” lawsuit, sending that and (as a result) numerous other tort-bar driven initiatives back to federal district and appellate courts for reconsideration, several mileposts for this litigation campaign are fast approaching. As further judicial scrutiny of the climate litigation scheme awaits, CLW […]

Rocky XXV

Following on this Friday post, we see a little more ankle showing about the promiscuous interrelationships among law school faculty, the Center for Climate Integrity, the more than two dozen “climate” lawsuits against energy companies, aaand the Rockefellers (about which see also). “Keith” is Minnesota AG Keith Ellison, to whom Noble sent the legal memo […]