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Honolulu-lulu II

Following up on this post, it seems the Hawai’i Supreme Court has completely reversed course — and CLW means completely — when it comes to releasing records about its justices’ participation in the climate litigation industry’s seminars to parade plaintiffs’ witnesses and amicus filers in front of as many judges as possible who might hear […]

Climate Plaintiffs’ Own-goal: It Really is About a “Sustainable Funding Stream”

Video of litigation pitch adds to evidence that lawsuits seek dough to pay for pols’ pet projects CLW readers will remember the admission — reflected in two independent sets of notes taken at a meeting at the Rockefeller family mansion at Pocantico — that governmental “climate” litigation is not actually about “combatting climate change” but is […]

Cunning or Clueless? Climate Recruiter Pitch: “The [plaintiffs’] lawyers only get paid when there is a successful settlement”

Fact check: False! CLW is grateful for the persistent watchdog role that Energy Policy Advocates has played obtaining public records to shed light on the climate litigation industry. Now we see an “unlisted” YouTube video recently obtained by EPA from a New Jersey municipality being recruited by the Rockefeller Family Fund vehicle called the “Center for Climate […]