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EID: Minnesota and Baltimore under microscope for hiring special interest climate crusaders in AG offices

From Energy In Depth’s CLARA MCGRAIL: MINNESOTA, D.C., AND BALTIMORE UNDER THE MICROSCOPE FOR ACCEPTING CONTROVERSIAL HELP FROM SPECIAL INTERESTS The Minnesota Attorney General’s office is more than a thousand miles away from New York City, yet Michael Bloomberg’s money and influence are felt even there. A new lawsuit is challenging whether Minnesota AG Keith Ellison […]

Busy Day for the B Team (as in Bloomberg)

Just as prescribed, Michael Bloomberg’s privately hired and placed “Special Assistant Attorneys General” are busy trying to block Trump administration regulatory reforms. Consider the long roster of “SAAGs” provided to willing AGs who are active in today’s filing in the DC Circuit, which seeks to block the Trump administration’s Affordable Clean Energy rule replacing the […]

Where Has All the Boasting Gone? Part III

No, Bloomberg’s Center and AGs Didn’t Cut it Out. They Just Clammed Up CLW readers will recall how billionaire climate activist Michael Bloomberg’s “State Impact Center” promiscuously shot off press releases boasting of this or that eager state AG agreeing to participate in a scheme placing private attorneys in their offices, to pursue matters of […]