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Bloomberg-Provided Attorneys File Next AG “Climate” Suit in Minnesota

No outside counsel needed, already being provided…in-house Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison has launched what documents — both public and some not yet released — show he has been working on with outside parties for quite some time, the next entry in the climate litigation sweepstakes. CLW readers recall how then-AG Sidney Blumenthal confessed that […]

Public Employee Use of [email protected], Other Listservs Revealed in AG Records Case

Energy Policy Advocates, through local counsel Upper Midwest Law Center and James Dickey of Helmuth & Johnson, filed its memorandum of law in an open records lawsuit against Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison.  Ellison’s Office has quietly added not one but two privately hired, Michael Bloomberg-funded “Special Assistant Attorneys General” to pursue issues of concern […]

Minnesota AG releases Application for Bloomberg-Funded “Special Prosecutor”, Touting His Pursuit of #ExxonKnew: What is Bloomberg’s 1st AG Recruiter, Maryland AG Frosh Hiding?

Last week, CLW informed its readers that Connecticut Attorney General William Tong had released his “NYU Law Fellow Application” to the transparency group Energy Policy Advocates (EPA). As CLW readers know, these applications were in fact responses to a request for proposals by a group created by billionaire party donor and climate activist Michael Bloomberg, […]

Senator considers legislation to prevent special interest groups from influencing Minnesota Attorney General’s office

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 29, 2019 MEDIA CONTACT:  Rachel Aplikowski, 952-913-8426 Kiffmeyer considers legislation to prevent special interest groups from influencing Attorney General’s office Today Senator Mary Kiffmeyer (R- Big Lake) released a letter sent from her office to Attorney General Keith Ellison.  The letter outlines specific questions regarding the Attorney General’s arrangement for a […]

CLW in the news: Conservatives challenge climate lawyers in state AG offices

Jennifer Hijazi, E&E News reporter Published: Monday, August 19, 2019Conservative groups are raising new legal questions about state attorneys general who are involved in climate litigation and hire outside lawyers to work on the issue. In a lawsuit filed in state court last week, Washington state-based Energy Policy Advocates said Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison (D) must […]