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Clinton-Gore EPA Affidavit Resurfaces, Further Undermines Climate Litigation “KNEW!!!” Claims

One Thing in Climate Has Remained Certain: Uncertainty Tomorrow, the House Oversight Oversight & Reform Committee will hold its second hearing in a “year-long investigation” of traditional energy companies. Not only does using Congress’s inherently limited investigative powers to find scapegoats for its own failures to persuade seem on its face unconstitutional given a long-line of […]

House Climate Show Trial to Support Biden’s Looming Pen-and-Phone Promises to Other Countries?

Show Trial increasingly looks to be move to pave the way for Biden climate promises at weekend G20 Summit + Glasgow “COP” beginning Monday There are more and more indications that Thursday’s House Oversight hearing, initially scheduled as an opportunity to berate the defendants in the floundering climate litigation industry, is not only intended to assist the plaintiffs […]