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Cunning or Clueless? Climate Recruiter Pitch: “The [plaintiffs’] lawyers only get paid when there is a successful settlement”

Fact check: False! CLW is grateful for the persistent watchdog role that Energy Policy Advocates has played obtaining public records to shed light on the climate litigation industry. Now we see an “unlisted” YouTube video recently obtained by EPA from a New Jersey municipality being recruited by the Rockefeller Family Fund vehicle called the “Center for Climate […]

More on the Mysterious Email About Hollywood’s Backdoor Funding of Government Climate Litigation

UPDATED: The below version updates the post with the email, released in almost wholly-redacted part (see immediately below). This email reveals only that, yes, Anne Arundel County had some reason to mention Resources Legacy Fund in the context filing its own suit. But not what that reason was, i.e., whether the law firm had informed […]