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Washington State AG Wants Court to Seal Explanation of its Involvement in Climate Litigation, Continuing its Effort to Shield Public Information

In an unusual move, well after merits arguments concluded the Washington State Attorney General’s Office has asked the Thurston County Superior Court to allow it to file a sealed affidavit by the Chief of its Environmental Protection Division, William Sherman, explaining why four- and five-year-old memos about possibly joining the New York AG’s Office in […]

Now, That’s a Timeline

Public records reveal the Real Story behind climate “attribution” Part of the PR campaign that’s been in the works for weeks to promote a new climate “attribution” study — made necessary by reluctant attorneys general and with the baseline year prescribed by a climate nuisance lawyer — is this Guardian “Timeline”. Relying on public records […]

Privately Financed Activist AGs Revving Up the Machines

ClimateWire has a piece out today, “D.C.’s top lawyer could launch Exxon battle soon”. In it, Bloomberg- and CREW-underwritten activist AG for the District of Columbia Karl Racine hints, “”look out for developments in the fall” on a highly anticipated legal challenge by the nation’s capital against Exxon Mobil Corp. and other leading fossil fuel […]

New Revelation in GAO Litigation against Donor-Financed Faculty Lounge Activists — Did UCLA Destroy Tort-Bar Slideshow?

CLW readers know about Government Accountability & Oversight’s (GAO) Public Records Act litigation against UCLA Law School, filed on behalf of the Competitive Enterprise Institute. This involves records of two faculty, including professor Ann Carlson, both a consultant to the climate litigation industry and a media go-to for ostensibly neutral (if reliably admiring) assessment of […]