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Prep the Judges, Lest Ye be Judged

More Institutions Enlisted in Climate Litigation March, Hint at Possible Climate “Criminal Litigation” Judicial Briefings beginning in 2019 Seemingly Prompted by 2018 Federal Court Setbacks Move to ‘Fact-Block’ What Judges Hear on “Climate” Reminiscent of Social Media’s “Fact-Checkers” Campaign Energy Policy Advocates’s website reveals a recent Freedom of Information Act request to the Department of […]

Amicus Brief Provides SCOTUS with Unredacted AGs’ Climate-Nuisance “Confidentiality Agreement”, Other New Records

Today, the government-transparency group Energy Policy Advocates filed a petition and proposed brief in support of certiorari in the State of Rhode Island’s “climate nuisance” case which, as the brief notes, subtly shifted its focus after filing — and after “nuisance” claims were dealt further defeats in federal courts — to emphasizing alleged consumer fraud. […]

Of Smoking Guns and Just So Stories

As SCOTUS hearing in City of Baltimore nears, documents old and new raise serious doubts about plaintiffs’ claims  The United States Supreme Court will hear Mayor and City of Baltimore v. BP p.l.c., next Tuesday, the first case in an epidemic of coordinated climate litigation to make it to the Court.  While this “climate nuisance” […]

New Revelation in GAO Litigation against Donor-Financed Faculty Lounge Activists — Did UCLA Destroy Tort-Bar Slideshow?

CLW readers know about Government Accountability & Oversight’s (GAO) Public Records Act litigation against UCLA Law School, filed on behalf of the Competitive Enterprise Institute. This involves records of two faculty, including professor Ann Carlson, both a consultant to the climate litigation industry and a media go-to for ostensibly neutral (if reliably admiring) assessment of […]