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Massachusetts Miracle Part III

What We’ve Learned Re Climate Inquisitor, Bloomberg’s Top Recruiter AG Healey In previous posts, here and here, CLW noted the sudden reversal of the Massachusetts AG Maura Healey’s stonewall of a request to release her application to participate in the NYU State Impact Center’s fellowship program, and related records. The documents, now released, reveal that […]

Massachusetts Miracle — Part II

Team Bloomberg “Doubles Down” on MA OAG As CLW previously noted, the prospect of defending plainly unlawful hiding of public records before a court caused the Attorney General of Massachusetts to think a little more clearly about its actions. Recently, it reversed course and released 309 pages of responsive records previously withheld in full, relating […]

Massachusetts Miracle — Part I

Prospect of defending indefensible secrecy seems to have clarified OAG’s thinking Climate Litigation Watch readers are no doubt familiar with the secrecy surrounding Michael Bloomberg’s program to place privately hired, activist “Special Assistant Attorneys General”. His vehicle created for the purpose is a “State Impact Center”, housed at New York University. CLW has previously reported […]

Court Seals MD AG Application for Bloomberg Money for Private Climate Prosecutor

CLW readers know that billionaire climate- and otherwise political activist Michael Bloomberg created a group to place privately hired attorneys in AG offices “to advance the agenda represent by” Bloomberg’s group. Meaning, Bloomberg’s agenda. As CLW noted previously, Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh – the only Bloomberg-financed AG hiding his “application” for private underwriting of […]

Emails Reveal Role Michael Bloomberg’s Climate Crusaders Are Playing In Maryland’s AG Office

From the Daily Caller Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s legal fellows are likely too closely connected to the billionaire’s climate change crusading group, new emails show. Analyst Chris Horner tells the Daily Caller News Foundation that the emails reveal how Maryland is “outsourcing” law enforcement activities to “activist donors.” The emails apparently contradict what the Bloomberg-financed climate group has said […]