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New Filing Against Climate “Lawfare”

CLW just noticed this post on Energy in Depth. The petition seeking judicial defense against what the Texas Court of Appeals acknowledged is climate “lawfare” being waged across the country — what one might call “going after climate denialism–along with a bunch of state and local prosecutors nationwide” — to be very timely amid the […]

Texas Court of Appeals Decries Climate Lawfare; Urges State Supreme Court to Take Up Issue

The Texas State Court of Appeals for the Second District issued an opinion Thursday night on the matter of whether the state’s courts have jurisdiction over participants in the climate litigation industry by virtue of their targeting Texas companies. From Energy in Depth: On Thursday, an intermediate appellate court in Texas reluctantly denied a petition filed by ExxonMobil that […]

Climate Lawfare: Paris Treaty Shackles UK, Will U.S. Avoid?

From the Global Warming Policy Foundation, we see a UK court has blocked expansion of Heathrow Airport citing to incompatibility with the Paris climate treaty. That’s the “non-binding” ‘not-a-treaty-“agreement“‘, that withdrawing from is silly because, you know, it won’t actually do anything so why not stay in… This lawfare was long-predicted, in a late 1990s […]

Manhattan DA “Climate” Docs Ordered Released

Following up on this item about Manhattan DA and (climate) lawfare pioneer, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, the Court has sided with GAO’s position that various “climate” correspondence that Bragg’s Office withheld were not privileged and ordered them released, which Bragg’s Office then did.  GAO has an outstanding FOIL request still in suit in Manhattan over […]

Massachusetts AG Releases ‘SAAGs’ Guidelines… Sort of

The Massachusetts Office of Attorney General’s “Guidelines for Special Assistant Attorneys General” (think, Bloomberg-provided ‘SAAGs’, and the climate-plaintiffs’ law firms brought on by MA OAG for climate lawfare)—rather, the portion the public are allowed to see of an agreement not signed by anyone—is available here. You can glean the vibe from these excerpts. No indication […]