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“Missing Link” Judge Strikes Again

CLW readers recall the claim made by a federal judge in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York of a “missing link” between donors, activists and elected law enforcement and other officials, in dismissing the idea that these parties have all improperly combined to orchestrate the ongoing “climate” lawfare sweeping courts […]

‘Sheldon has not been well managed’

CLW sees this paper just published by the Senate, ah, Budget Committee picking up the mantle of the donor-staffed (in violation of House Ethics Rules) House Oversight Committee investigation into energy companies daring to resist brigandage. CLW spotted this own-goal right up front. Hey, that phrase sounds familiar. CLW recalls a set of handwritten notes […]

Amicus Brief Details Climate Litigation Campaign’s Political Origins

Newly obtained records withheld for seven years reveal NYAG attorneys abandoned misgivings about pre-packaged “subpoena suggestion” after months of activists’ climate-lawsuit lobbying “[M]aybe he can come to see that he’s wrong” met “Please do know that I want to find a way on this as much as you do”, and politics carried the day This week, […]

Amicus Brief in Texas Reveals New Info on Climate Litigation Industry

Government-transparency group Energy Policy Advocates (“EPA”) has filed an amicus brief with the Texas State Supreme Court, in a case considering Exxon Mobil’s Rule 202 petition against California municipalities like San Francisco and Oakland and their former “climate” lawyer, Matt Pawa.  That action was filed by the company to obtain pre-suit discovery against some of the parties […]

Of Smoking Guns and Just So Stories

As SCOTUS hearing in City of Baltimore nears, documents old and new raise serious doubts about plaintiffs’ claims  The United States Supreme Court will hear Mayor and City of Baltimore v. BP p.l.c., next Tuesday, the first case in an epidemic of coordinated climate litigation to make it to the Court.  While this “climate nuisance” […]