Summary of the action so far, from EID:
As surprising as the failure to find a ‘climate’ case to bring — even as weak as this one, after four-plus years of scheming with a billion-dollar-a-year plus climate industry and millions of pages of discovery — is the lack of preparedness in bringing even this.
The clumsiness of NY AG and by the Massachusetts AG in past week and a half chronicled on CLW, suggest the AGs’ cases aren’t going to yield what the climate industry had hoped for: an energy industry frightened enough of the campaign to provide hundreds of billions in settlements for political distribution, and effective adoption of the climate agenda.
Still, with so much invested in this, CLW doesn’t expect these state actors or plaintiffs’ lawyers to just find another axe to grind.
Though CLW has found another axe they are grinding, again together. More on that soon.