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Energy Policy Advocates Files Suit against Annapolis for Refusing to Release Information re Coordination with “Climate” Tort Activists

City is plaintiff in campaign recently confirmed to be grab for “sustainable funding stream” Today, the nonprofit governmental transparency group Energy Policy Advocates (EPA) filed an open records lawsuit against the City of Annapolis,Municipal climate suits Maryland. The suit seeks to compel the City to release documents shedding light on its participation in an activist-driven litigation […]

AG-Mail: Another AG Using Unofficial Account with Climate Activists

CLW readers may be familiar with Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh’s use of his GMail to serve as lead recruiter for the Michael Bloomberg-funded group planting activist attorneys in state AG offices, even receiving on the QT the Bloomberg group’s first two bi-weekly reports to “Bloomberg Philanthropies” about the scheme, from current Biden “climate” advisor […]

Climate Litigation Confessional: Yes, it Really IS About Finding “New Streams of Revenue”

CLW readers may recall our recent curiosity about an email, and its attachment, which went missing from a document production from the Oregon Department of Justice. This particular email had begun a thread, one which showed the origin of Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum’s participation in yet another Center for Climate Integrity panel discussing (as one academic infamously put […]