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Sausage Making, Jersey Style

Satriale’s, Eat Your Heart Out Energy Policy Advocates passes along a couple more New Jersey Office of the Attorney General emails pertaining to its joining the cavalcade of parties filing “climate” lawsuits — described by a Rhode Island cabinet official (to a Rockefeller meeting audience, of course) as the potential source of a “sustainable funding […]

New Jersey Muni Reveals Recruiting, Advocacy Toolkit

Courtesy of the indispensable transparency-in-government group Energy Policy Advocates, the New Jersey Borough of Bradley Beach has released some relevant public records under the state’s OPRA. These include a recruiting and advocacy toolkit for aspiring governmental “climate” plaintiffs provided by the Center for Climate Integrity (CCI) — boasting of its “partners in law, science and […]

‘Titanic’ Revelation: DiCaprio Nabs Starring Role in Private Financing of Government ‘Climate’ Lawsuits

Cross-posted from Is this among the millions that foundations are providing to a ‘contingency fee’ tort firm? Did tort firm disclose to politician clients? Did politicians disclose to legislatures and taxpayers? In 2020, information surfaced in IRS Forms 990 filed by the non-profit Resources Legacy Fund (“RLF”) suggesting that the ‘climate nuisance’ and ‘consumer fraud’ lawsuits […]

California Court Orders Release of Public Records: Correspondence of Member of Plaintiffs’ Tort Team

GAO prevails in suit seeking records to educate on how public institutions come to be used, with whom: Academics involved in “going after climate denialism along with a bunch of state and local prosecutors,” Biden Administration lawyer also tied to judicial briefings on plaintiffs’ climate tort arguments The Superior Court of California for the County […]