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Minnesota AG Race Becomes Interesting Thanks to Participation in Bloomberg “SAAGs” Scheme

Minnesota AG Keith Ellison, a bit less popular now in that rather chaotic state than four years ago, has three Republicans vying for their party’s nomination to take him on. Apparently all of them are committed, if elected, to firing the “Special Assistant Attorneys General” provided Ellison by billionaire climate activist Michael Bloomberg (chronicled in […]

Bloomberg “SAAG” Withdraws from Ellison “Climate” Case She Filed

Rockefeller Family Fund ‘Cutout’ Revealed Ellison Suit Was Held Until Bloomberg Lawyers Were Provided Friday afternoon brings news of the withdrawal as counsel from Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison‘s lawsuit against energy companies for purported climate sins. That SAAG is Leigh Currie (the remaining SAAG is Peter Surdo, who boasted on his LinkedIn site he […]

Amicus Brief: MN AG Ellison’s “Troubling Position” to Keep Bloomberg-Related Records Secret

Non-profit transparency groups Public Records Media and the Minnesota Coalition on Government Information held a press conference Wednesday to announce they filed an amicus brief with the Minnesota State Supreme Court in Energy Policy Advocates v. Ellison, a Government Data Practices Act (open records) case over emails pertaining to Ellison’s involvement in the climate litigation […]

Energy Policy Advocates Files Suit against Annapolis for Refusing to Release Information re Coordination with “Climate” Tort Activists

City is plaintiff in campaign recently confirmed to be grab for “sustainable funding stream” Today, the nonprofit governmental transparency group Energy Policy Advocates (EPA) filed an open records lawsuit against the City of Annapolis,Municipal climate suits Maryland. The suit seeks to compel the City to release documents shedding light on its participation in an activist-driven litigation […]