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Leaning on Industry “Partners” to Impose Climate Agenda Back on Tap?

AGs, Biden Admin Targeted Industry to Become “Partners” to Impose “Climate-car” Auto Standards; Will DoJ Follow Through on Threat re: Litigation Campaign? Climate-industry observers should take close note of the model described here in which targeted industry become the federal government’s “partners” — not so much Gangster Government, but more a combination of Hostage-taking and Wolfpack Government: […]

New AG Secrecy Pact Supports Claim that AG Lawsuits are the Fishing Expeditions Requested by Tort Bar

Some months ago it occurred to CLW that none among the various secrecy pacts that had emerged among “climate” state attorneys general purported to cover the new breed of state attorney general lawsuits against energy companies, prioritizing claims of consumer deception over the original claims of public nuisance and investor fraud which had stumbled in the courtroom. […]

New Text Messages Confirm Outsourcing of Law Enforcement, Academia to Activist Donors

Now that the United States Supreme Court has ruled on the Mayor and City of Baltimore “climate nuisance” lawsuit, sending that and (as a result) numerous other tort-bar driven initiatives back to federal district and appellate courts for reconsideration, several mileposts for this litigation campaign are fast approaching. As further judicial scrutiny of the climate litigation scheme awaits, CLW […]

Feeling Minnesota’s Got Problems

On the heels of documents discussed here, here and here (source documents here and here, h/t Energy Policy Advocates), CLW has perused further public records detailing just how Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison came to sue energy companies in his bid to join the climate litigation lottery and find “new streams of revenue.” For the […]

Minnesota Vice

Paper trail puts the lie to MN AG Ellison’s Office denial it is using privately hired attorneys Well this is interesting. Courtesy of Legal Newsline, we see the remarkable claim by Minnesota’s Office of the Attorney General that it has not in fact brought in privately hired attorneys. This was in response to a question […]