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Weaponization of Law Enforcement — A Timeline

The below timeline affirms it is acceptable for an AG to launch investigations into, e.g., the renewable energy or climate industry at the request of trial lawyers October 2012: La Jolla meeting proceedings published. Plaintiffs’ attorney Matt Pawa calls for “a single sympathetic attorney general” to begin subpoenaing records of private parties targeted by climate […]

Confused Sen. Kamala Harris and “Partisan Probes”

Sen. Kamala Harris, a former California attorney general, recently“found herself in hot water after getting caught telling a fib about her history with ExxonMobil.” Specifically, she claimed that she had sued the company as part of the #ExxonKnew campaign by plaintiffs’ lawyers and activist attorneys general looking for settlements in the hundreds of billions of dollars […]

Emails suggest @UCUSA Union of Concerned Scientists is at the Center of the Climate Litigation Industry

These email records… …from UCLA Law School suggest that the Union of Concerned Scientists’ Peter Frumhoff is on the inside of the climate tort industry and its litigation campaign. CLW readers recall it was from a UCS event led by Frumhoff —  the “Secret Meeting at Harvard” — that UCLA faculty member Cara Horowitz emailed the school’s […]