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“Climate Nuisance” Tort Firm’s Contingency Fee Agreement Surfaces in Minnesota

Within hours of Energy Policy Advocates filing suit against the Minnesota Office of Attorney General this morning (noted by Government Accountability & Oversight here), in part over a missing contract hiring an outside law firm to sue energy companies for climate change, the Minnesota Office of Management and Budget provided the group with the contract in […]

Washington Times: Despite denials, count on Biden-Harris to direct AG to do their scandalous bidding

With potentially bruising Department of Justice confirmation battles looming, both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris now vigorously deny that they would ever direct their Attorney General to do their political bidding or target specific opponents. This would be unremarkable, had they not promised the opposite with equal vigor – and disturbing specificity – during the […]

More of What MN OAG is Hiding: Tort Firm Formally Enters Fray

With the foundation–financed yet still contingency-fee “climate nuisance” tort firm Sher Edling LLP having just made an appearance in Minnesota’s pursuit of energy companies — on motions of a Bloomberg SAAG, who carries some serious outstanding questions of her own, no less — two languishing state open records requests with MN OAG for certain of […]

What Did MN AGO Know & When Did it Know it About Ties Between “SAAG” & Green Group Pushing AG Suit Against Private Parties?

Yesterday, CLW broke the news about the conflict inherent in the recent Minnesota Attorney General’s Office litigation against the American Petroleum Institute, et al. for various purported climate-related offenses. This conflict was found on the heels of an activist’s boast, the day the suit was filed, both of involvement in bringing about the suit and […]

New Twist in Tangled Web of Minnesota “Special Assistant AG” Relationships

Revelation raises questions re disclosure, disqualification, viability of suit A new complication has emerged for Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison’s climate litigation against the American Petroleum Institute, ExxonMobil and Koch Industries — already burdened by the appearance of orchestration with outside interest groups, and hints of work-for-tips. CLW now sees information revealing a pre-existing relationship […]