On the heels of recent posts (as well as old) about collaboration by law school faculty with the Rockefeller Family Fund to promote activists’ and the tort bar’s “climate” agenda, Energy Policy Advocates has obtained emails showing the litigation industry’s courtship of another state attorney general, Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum, to the sweepstakes of “going after climate denialism with a bunch of state and local prosecutors nationwide.”
We see things kick off with an introduction in late July 2020, soon after the Center for Climate Integrity-advised Minnesota AG Keith Ellison filed his entry, via the two Michael Bloomberg-provided “Special Assistant Attorney Generals” that he, like ten other AG offices, was given to assist in the campaign from the inside.

We then see an August 24, 2020 Zoom call with the by-now usual suspects including of course CCI and the Bloomberg SAAG Steve Novick.

Then the post-call followup, including confirmation that the playbook includes pushing the AGs with polling.

It’s quite an elaborate operation, from coast-to-coast, north to south, bringing in municipalities and AGs, providing polling and paying lawyers.
Recent reporting indicates that Rosenblum either is not yet convinced, or not yet convinced she should acknowledge she has been recruited, to join the fray.