The State Energy & Environmental Impact Center was funded by Michael Bloomberg as a vehicle for hiring and planting “Special Assistant Attorneys General” (SAAGs) in AG offices “to advance the agenda represented by” the group.
That meant funding, coordinating, and providing media cover for AGs to push their scheme to go after opponents of the climate agenda, announced at the now-infamous “What ExxonKnew” press conference with investor Al Gore.
The group placed privately hired SAAGs in the New York AG office, who indeed were assigned to work on that ‘climate fraud’ case (which became in issue in court, NY OAG dropped the arrangement like a hot potato, and SEEIC stopped boasting of its entanglements)… just as NY OAG’s application promised they would if only NYOAG was blessed enough to receive a Bloomberg-financed SAAG. So it got two!
As CLW readers know, that case didn’t go very well, the Climate Trial of the Century turned into , well…
…Team Bloomberg has now decided the Climate Trial/Rake-Step of the Century was, erm, nothing to see there.
When first boasting on its AGs, SEEIC couldn’t wait to tell you about the importance of that Climate Trial of the Century. Now, eh, not so much.
On to Massachusetts! (where 2 more SAAGs are beavering away on a re-run of the New York case…just as MA OAG’s application also indicated they would)(as have others).
In the wake of the NY OAG debacle, one would never know this program’s focus. Now, with its financier running to unseat Pres. Trump, the “Special Assistant Attorneys General” group is all about the guy its financier is running in a political campaign to unseat.*
* CLW is unaware whether there are laws governing this sort of thing. Records suggest that kind of inquiry wasn’t a priority for SEEIC, or OAGs. Someone might check.