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Cunning or Clueless? Climate Recruiter Pitch: “The [plaintiffs’] lawyers only get paid when there is a successful settlement”

Fact check: False! CLW is grateful for the persistent watchdog role that Energy Policy Advocates has played obtaining public records to shed light on the climate litigation industry. Now we see an “unlisted” YouTube video recently obtained by EPA from a New Jersey municipality being recruited by the Rockefeller Family Fund vehicle called the “Center for Climate […]

More Sausage-making, Jersey Style

Courtesy of Energy Policy Advocates, CLW readers can find a representative selection of services provided to elected officials who join in to push the “Center for Climate Integrity’s” agenda — which agenda includes, most notoriously, politicians filing privately-financed “climate” lawsuits against political opponents — here. Interesting exemplars include those addressing how the advocacy group prefers […]

Ghostwriters in the Sky Part II

CLW previously posted about the “Center for Climate Integrity” (CCI) getting caught ghost-co-writing a memo on University of Minnesota Law School stationery (yes, a no-no) to Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison setting forth the lawsuit Ellison would ultimately bring against energy companies, filed by attorneys provided to him for the purpose by a Michael Bloomberg […]

New Jersey Muni Reveals Recruiting, Advocacy Toolkit

Courtesy of the indispensable transparency-in-government group Energy Policy Advocates, the New Jersey Borough of Bradley Beach has released some relevant public records under the state’s OPRA. These include a recruiting and advocacy toolkit for aspiring governmental “climate” plaintiffs provided by the Center for Climate Integrity (CCI) — boasting of its “partners in law, science and […]