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Is Hawai’i County Looking to Ride the Wave?

Another “Sustainable funding stream“ Own-Goal: “I see that [climate litigation] as another source of funding” The most recent entrant in the ‘climate’ sweepstakes—which takes the form of filing another in the ‘wave’ of lawsuits against energy companies— emerged just before the Thanksgiving holiday courtesy of the Maine Attorney General. These suits are typically, as in […]

More on Climate Litigation Oversight

CLW readers may recall this post from a year ago almost to the day, about Congress investigating the climate litigation industry that seeks, inter alia, a “sustainable funding stream” to finance politicians’ spending ambitions without getting caught directly raising taxes. That represented something of a table-turning, with congressional oversight bodies having been enlisted on behalf […]

Climate Plaintiffs’ Plastics Pivot

It’s deja vu all over again CBS News has teamed up with the Climate Litigation Industry to push an emerging anti-plastics advocacy campaign. That’s curious enough, although consistent with a new pattern and practice in media to rely on outside activist funding and other resources to churn out content. This most recent entry is in service of […]

WSJ on the Rockefellers’ Public-‘Private’ Partnership with Law Enforcement

Over the weekend, the Wall Street Journal Review section featured a long profile reaffirming the obsessive campaign by late-generation Rockefeller family members against ExxonMobil, the company that not only cruelly subjected them and their predecessor generations of Rockefellers to a lifestyle bubble-wrapped in inherited wealth but also led the way in imposing the horrors of […]