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HOT L(OBBYIST) Baltimore

Energy Policy Advocates has filed its opening appellate brief in a Maryland Public Information Act case against the City of Baltimore, for the latter’s withholding of correspondence with two groups which lobbied the City to file its climate nuisance lawsuit against nearly two dozen companies. Baltimore remarkably claimed that the activists behind the climate litigation […]

Westward, Ho

On the heels of recent posts (as well as old) about collaboration by law school faculty with the Rockefeller Family Fund to promote activists’ and the tort bar’s “climate” agenda, Energy Policy Advocates has obtained emails showing the litigation industry’s courtship of another state attorney general, Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum, to the sweepstakes of “going after climate denialism with a bunch of […]

Rocky XXV

Following on this Friday post, we see a little more ankle showing about the promiscuous interrelationships among law school faculty, the Center for Climate Integrity, the more than two dozen “climate” lawsuits against energy companies, aaand the Rockefellers (about which see also). “Keith” is Minnesota AG Keith Ellison, to whom Noble sent the legal memo […]

Ghost Writers in the Sky

Students of Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison’s Bloomberg-funded lawsuit against energy companies for causing global warming, and the black-box that burst onto the scene in 2020 financing municipal litigation for the same thing, the very busy “Center for Climate Integrity,” will find this of interest. Ummm It’s not like the memo didn’t mention CCI. Here’s […]

More on the Government/Activist/ Tort Bar Axis

The Center for Climate Integrity turns up again in public records, again recruiting governmental subdivisions to file “climate” tort litigation against the climate activists’ opponents. It’s a two-fer, use the courts to try and advance an agenda and offer politicians and bureaucrats the prospect of what one called a “sustainable funding stream“. This time it […]