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Bloomberg-Provided Attorneys File Next AG “Climate” Suit in Minnesota

No outside counsel needed, already being provided…in-house Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison has launched what documents — both public and some not yet released — show he has been working on with outside parties for quite some time, the next entry in the climate litigation sweepstakes. CLW readers recall how then-AG Sidney Blumenthal confessed that […]

Ashamed Climate Industry Advocates Seek Moral Clarity

The San Jose Mercury News has run a rather remarkable piece by Ed Maibach, director of the Center for Climate Change Communication at George Mason University, and Amanda Millstein, co-founder of Climate Health Now, titled “Demanding moral clarity from Stanford on fossil fuels.” There may have been better moments to appeal to the authority of […]

RELEASE: Citing Longstanding Precedent, New Emails, GAO Files Motion Asking NY Court to Unseal “#ExxonKnew” Documents Sent from Tort Lawyer to NY Attorney General

New Emails obtained in AG open records litigation affirm: plaintiff’s lawyer who recruited NY OAG to investigate his litigation target was not “whistleblower”, docs aren’t privileged NEW YORK, NY – On Friday, an attorney for the public interest law firm Government Accountability & Oversight, P.C. (GAO) filed a motion to intervene in the New York Attorney […]