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Did Massachusetts AG Just File a Tort Lawyer’s Slide Show as a Lawsuit?

These past two weeks CLW has documented how, just weeks her office took in a slide show presentation titled “What Exxon Knew” from a plaintiffs’ attorney touring OAGs looking for “a single sympathetic attorney general” to help out his flagging litigation campaign against the energy industry, Massachusetts’ AG Maura Healey announced an investigation into — […]

The Climate Change Litigation Campaign Next Stop? The U.S. House of Representatives.

From the Manufacturers Accountability Project The House Oversight and Reform Committee’s Subcommittee on Civil Rights and Civil Liberties held a hearing Wednesday Oct 23rd titled “Examining the Oil Industry’s Efforts to Suppress the Truth about Climate Change.” Among the hearing’s witnesses are Harvard University professor Dr. Naomi Oreskes and Sharon Eubanks, former chief counsel for […]

The Gray Lady, Reporting for Duty

Reminder of Rockefeller Family Fund’s instrumental role in AG abuses The New York Times does its part today to help the flagging NY AG #ExxonKnew case that opens at 2:15 pm today in Manhattan, giving a whopping 1,300 words to The Godfather of the climate litigation industry, Lee Wasserman of Rockefeller Family Foundation (some CLW […]

Mementos of House Hearing Witness, #ExxonKnew Author’s Role in Climate Litigation Industry

Naomi Oreskes is the Zelig of the climate litigation industry, appearing in every agenda or list of attendees at landmark “secret”, “delegitimize” and other infamous gatherings: As CLW wrote earlier: Trotting out activists Naomi Oreskes and Sharon Bordas is something of an effort to get the band back together from the “secret meeting at Harvard”, […]