You searched for confidentiality - Climate Litigation Watch

MA OAG Reverses Course on Climate Confidentiality Agreement

This is interesting. The Massachusetts Office of the Attorney General’s Opposition to Government Accountability & Oversight’s Discovery motion in an open records lawsuit is (belatedly, but that’s another story) due today. For its own reasons—it seems reasonable to conclude these reasons pertain to some discovery the AGO wanted to avoid about this document, and/or concluded […]

Amicus Brief Provides SCOTUS with Unredacted AGs’ Climate-Nuisance “Confidentiality Agreement”, Other New Records

Today, the government-transparency group Energy Policy Advocates filed a petition and proposed brief in support of certiorari in the State of Rhode Island’s “climate nuisance” case which, as the brief notes, subtly shifted its focus after filing — and after “nuisance” claims were dealt further defeats in federal courts — to emphasizing alleged consumer fraud. […]

“Certain Automakers” Enter “Confidentiality Agreement” with State AGs in Lawsuit Over CA GHG Standards

Pact Hints at Other Dealmaking With Cooperative Automakers Thanks to the transparency group Energy Policy Advocates (“EPA”), CLW has seen records of state attorneys general canoodling with “certain automakers” on a “CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT REGARDING THE SHARING OF INFORMATION IN JOINT DEFENSE OF GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSION STANDARDS FOR VEHICLES AND ENGINES.” This is among an absolute […]

Is Hawai’i County Looking to Ride the Wave?

Another “Sustainable funding stream“ Own-Goal: “I see that [climate litigation] as another source of funding” The most recent entrant in the ‘climate’ sweepstakes—which takes the form of filing another in the ‘wave’ of lawsuits against energy companies— emerged just before the Thanksgiving holiday courtesy of the Maine Attorney General. These suits are typically, as in […]

Climate Plaintiffs’ Own-goal: It Really is About a “Sustainable Funding Stream”

Video of litigation pitch adds to evidence that lawsuits seek dough to pay for pols’ pet projects CLW readers will remember the admission — reflected in two independent sets of notes taken at a meeting at the Rockefeller family mansion at Pocantico — that governmental “climate” litigation is not actually about “combatting climate change” but is […]